What I do

1 Didactic Design

2 Project Management

3 Education

4 Instructional Writing

Hey there!

My name is Anja and I am a Didactic Designer based in Berlin. My work focusses on Information Design, Project Management, Teaching and Instructional Writing.

1 Didactic Design

You might wonder about that term. Didactic means Theory of teaching and learning. Design with an instructional approach aims to teach specific knowledge for supporting learning processes of an individual or a group in various ways.

What thrills me about Didactic Design is the power to directly influence people’s actions, help them solving tasks, and prevent them from danger.

I investigate human thinking and decision making processes and put it in a relation to concrete instructional design solutions and its effect.

As already mentioned making important information visible in a reflected and responsibly way can have a strong impact on our actions. For me, working as a didactic designer feels like making a small contribution so maybe others could benefit from it in everyday life from time to time.

2 Project Management

Based on my experience of working in a design studio, my ability of coordinating complex projects, switching between different requirements as well as multitasking is pretty well trained. Combined with strong verbal and written communication skills, I am able to coordinate and supervise projects, lead and work in interdisciplinary teams, and manage tasks in daily studio schedule.

What thrills me in Project Management is the power of strong and clear communication, an empathic reflected mind as well as a high professional, consequent and reflected attitude. Due to a professional background as a designer I am also trained noticing needs, detecting conflicts and communicating them.

Last but not least, Project Management affects me because it makes space up for others to grow their full professional and personal potential.

3 Education

As an educator you gain, process and share knowledge. And ideally you try to motivate others to do so, too. Always looking for a didactic exchange, I do lectureships, workshops or presentations, work as a design mentor, and visit talks, conferences or seminars. I am looking forward to gain more experiences in that field because it pushes me out of my comfort zone.

4 Instructional Writing

Written language can be a powerful instrument. Because visual information sometimes is not enough writing instructional texts for different purposes and target groups became another aspect of my didactic work.

In addition, I am currently deepening my knowledge in the correlation of didactic design and instructional writing during my master studies.

A N J A   R A U E N B U S C H

Didactic Design & Project Management







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